Get your copy of the Public Consultation Summary Report (Part 1)
This Public Consultation Report (Part 1) has been prepared by Central Highlands Regional Council (council) to:
- Summarise the activities and outcomes of the public consultation of the Draft Major Planning Scheme Amendment No. 7 (Business Improvement and Innovation) that took place from 10 February 2023 to 28 April 2023.
- Outline the matters raised in all submissions for the Draft Major Planning Scheme Amendment No. 7 (Business Improvement and Innovation).
This report will inform the deliberations within and between Central Highlands Regional Council (council) and the Department of State Development, Infrastructure Local Government and Planning (DSDILGP) regarding the appropriate consideration of and response to the key matters raised in all submissions. Once these deliberations are completed, council will draft and display the Public Consultation Report (Part 2). Part 2 will include a summary of all revisions to the amendment that have been proposed in response to the submissions received.
In addition to this, any person that has lodged a submission will also receive a more personalised response which responds to the key issues raised by that submitter.
Download a copy now! - Public Consultation Report (Part 1)