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The Central Highlands Regional Council are developing a 3-year action plan to support their Creative Cultural Futures Strategy 2016-2026.
The purpose of the Creative Cultural Futures Strategy 2016-2026 is to recognise, support and celebrate the partnership between arts and cultural groups, community and government in the common goal of strategic and innovative arts and cultural services delivery.
We understand that partnerships between community and government stakeholders are essential for achieving a vibrant, innovative and creative cultural future for the Central Highlands region.
We want your feedback and ideas on what our region needs! Your input can help us to prioritise key projects and identify areas for development. Please share your suggestions below, and don't forget to vote for your favourite ideas.
For more information please contact:
Karen Newman - Arts & Culture Officer
07 4980 6368
The Central Highlands Regional Council are developing a 3-year action plan to support their Creative Cultural Futures Strategy 2016-2026.
The purpose of the Creative Cultural Futures Strategy 2016-2026 is to recognise, support and celebrate the partnership between arts and cultural groups, community and government in the common goal of strategic and innovative arts and cultural services delivery.
We understand that partnerships between community and government stakeholders are essential for achieving a vibrant, innovative and creative cultural future for the Central Highlands region.
We want your feedback and ideas on what our region needs! Your input can help us to prioritise key projects and identify areas for development. Please share your suggestions below, and don't forget to vote for your favourite ideas.