Draft Waste Public Benefit Assessment

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Council’s waste management function has been identified as a ‘significant business activity’ under the Local Government Act 2009 given the amount of expenditure on waste collection and disposal activities incurred each year.

Once identified as a ‘significant business activity’, council is required to undertake a Public Benefit Assessment of applying the following two competitive neutrality reform options to the waste function to determine whether either reform option would result in a net community benefit:

  1. Full Cost Pricing – involving setting prices on a commercial basis whilst retaining the waste function within council’s normal organisational structure.
  2. Commercialisation – involving setting prices on a commercial basis plus establishing a new commercialised business unit to operate the waste function.

Council commissioned AEC Group to undertake the Public Benefit Assessment and the draft report is now available, which recommends the adoption of Full Cost Pricing as the preferred reform option.

Should you wish to provide comment on the draft Public Benefit Assessment, please fill out the survey below or email Council’s Manager Finance Helen Kirby at hkirby@chrc.qld.gov.au.

Council’s waste management function has been identified as a ‘significant business activity’ under the Local Government Act 2009 given the amount of expenditure on waste collection and disposal activities incurred each year.

Once identified as a ‘significant business activity’, council is required to undertake a Public Benefit Assessment of applying the following two competitive neutrality reform options to the waste function to determine whether either reform option would result in a net community benefit:

  1. Full Cost Pricing – involving setting prices on a commercial basis whilst retaining the waste function within council’s normal organisational structure.
  2. Commercialisation – involving setting prices on a commercial basis plus establishing a new commercialised business unit to operate the waste function.

Council commissioned AEC Group to undertake the Public Benefit Assessment and the draft report is now available, which recommends the adoption of Full Cost Pricing as the preferred reform option.

Should you wish to provide comment on the draft Public Benefit Assessment, please fill out the survey below or email Council’s Manager Finance Helen Kirby at hkirby@chrc.qld.gov.au.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 26 Apr 2024, 11:42 AM