What is engagement?

    Community engagement is a planned process undertaken by council with the specific purpose of working with communities, organisations and other stakeholders to support informed decision making or actions relating to an opportunity, problem or outcome.

    Why do we engage?

    Council believes that engaging the community on matters that involve them is good practice and leads to better decision making. Sometimes engagement is required due to legislation and bound by regulations. However we don’t simply engage when it is legally required, we know that engaging the community leads to better outcomes. 

    We recognise our communities right to have input on decisions that affect them and are important to them. It is important to note Council is committed to seeking input from stakeholders on matters that affect them. Community engagement does not replace, but rather informs, the decision-making function of council.

    What is a Community Engagement Strategy?

    A Community Engagement Strategy sets out the guiding principles and council’s approach to ensure that our community has an opportunity to have their say in a meaningful way. It outlines how Council will engage with the community to support the development of all Council plans, policies, programs and key activities.

    Why is council undertaking this project?

    The Corporate Plan 2022-2027 identified the need to “Review methods and practices for community and stakeholder engagement at council.”

    So, as part of the Operational Plan 2022-23, council has committed to  "review existing community and stakeholder engagement practices to inform development of an updated Community Engagement Policy and Action Plan (activity 055)".

    This project also includes follow-up questions from the communications survey undertaken in 2020. 

    How is council undertaking this project?

    This project will include a number of stages which will inform the final documents. Council has contracted Engagement Plus to undertake:

    1. A desktop review of council’s strategic documents as they relate to community engagement
    2. A best practice review of similar and leading councils
    3. An internal engagement process to understand council staff’s views on current community engagement processes
    4. An external engagement process to understand community views on engagement
    5. Analysis of information gathered
    6. Drafting and validating of the strategic documents includes additional external engagement