Project Update February 2021
Council received one submission on 14 September 2020 that has resulted in several minor revisions being made to LGIP2 and associated mapping. As clear from the summary of matters, the proposed revisions cannot be considered to be significantly different (as defined in Schedule 2 of the Minister’s Guidelines and Rules) to the version released for public consultation.
On 1 December 2020, council decided to proceed to the second appointed review of the amendment and requested the Minister’s approval to adopt the proposed LGIP Amendment.
In response to council's request, the Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning confirmed that council can now proceed to adopt the proposed our latest amendment.
In order to adopt the amendment, council must formally endorse and decide to adopt the new LGIP at a General Council Meeting. Once approved, the amendment can be gazetted and will come into effect.
Council officers are currently preparing the relevant documents for presentation at a General Council Meeting.
Consultation has concluded