Draft Planning Scheme Amendment for Floodplain Management - Formal Public Notification

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Formal notification of this amendment has now closed. Thank you to those who participated. 

In May 2021, Central Highlands Regional Council asked you to tell us about your vision for more prepared, responsive and resilient floodplain management through an online survey and a number of consultations across the region. Your responses shaped the draft amendment to the planning scheme, which has now been reviewed by the State Government and approved for formal public notification. We are now seeking your input on this proposed draft amendment to our planning scheme. Consultation will be open 7 February through to 4 March 2022.

What is the Planning Scheme Amendment for Floodplain Management? 

Flooding and other natural hazards are a part of life in the Central Highlands, with each event affecting our diverse, and unique communities within in many, varied ways.

Managing our floodplains and reducing risk to people and property is a key focus for council. One way to manage our potential risk is to look at how we manage new development, where this can occur and how. To support this council is undertaking an amendment to the existing Planning Scheme. The intent of the amendment is to ensure that where possible we avoid land uses that increase the exposure of people and property to unacceptable flood risk. The amendment uses recent flood studies to update flood risk maps and also review development controls (such as minimum floor heights) for new development.

A Summary Document has been prepared which outlines the amendment in detail, what information has been used to inform the amendment and how you can have your say. You can access the summary document here.

Can I have a say on the amendment? 

Yes. Every member of the community from residents to business owners and those who do business in our region are invited to have their say on these proposed amendments.

In May 2021, as part of the Our Region. Our Resilience program, council engaged in early, immersive, proactive engagement at individualised, community levels across the region of the relevant flood data. This engagement process helped to shape the drafting of the major amendment.

As per the Minister’s Guidelines and Rules the public notification of the amendment is to be minimum of 20 business days and we are consulting from 7 February through to 4 March 2022.

How can I make a submission?

You can have your say by making a submission (a feedback statement) about your views towards the amendment and what is proposed. The proposed amendment is available to view online via our portal where you can see what is proposed to change (like a tracked change version) and you can make a submission directly online. Across in the documents section of this website is also a PDF version of the proposed changes.

Whilst the direct online approach is preferred method for submission, other avenues are also available including emails (planningscheme@chrc.qld.gov.au) or over the counter at a council office. All submissions are required to be reviewed, considered and responded to by council and will help inform any final changes that should be made before it returns to the Minister asking for approval to adopt the amendment.

How else can I get involved?

Council will be running a number of Meet the Planner Sessions across the region. These sessions are an opportunity for the public to ask anything related to planning and development or discuss the draft amendment with a member of council's Planning and Development team. The events will be held in the week commencing 21 February 2022.

Tuesday 22 February 

Springsure,– 9am – 12pm - Springsure Chambers, 29 Eclipse Street.

Rolleston 2:30pm – 6pm - Supper Room, Planet Street (next to the Library)

Wednesday 23 February

Duaringa – 10:30am – 1pm - Duaringa Old Library, 5 William Street

Bluff – 3pm – 5pm - Lions Hall, 12 Church Street

Thursday 24 February 

Capella – 10am – 1pm - Boardroom, CHRC Capella Office, 4 Conran Steet

Emerald – 3:30pm – 7pm - Gallery Meeting Room, CHRC Emerald Office, 65 Egerton Street

Booking are encouraged and can be made by emailing planningscheme@chrc.qld.gov.au. These events will follow a COVID safe plan and staff will all be wearing masks throughout the session. See details on the right (or bottom of the page on a mobile device).

Alternatively if you are interested in an online appointment to discuss the proposed amendment with a member of the Planning and Development team, please email planningscheme@chrc.qld.gov.au to make an appointment.

For enquiries about this consultation, please contact the Planning & Development team at council on 1300 242 686 or email planningscheme@chrc.qld.gov.au. 


Formal notification of this amendment has now closed. Thank you to those who participated. 

In May 2021, Central Highlands Regional Council asked you to tell us about your vision for more prepared, responsive and resilient floodplain management through an online survey and a number of consultations across the region. Your responses shaped the draft amendment to the planning scheme, which has now been reviewed by the State Government and approved for formal public notification. We are now seeking your input on this proposed draft amendment to our planning scheme. Consultation will be open 7 February through to 4 March 2022.

What is the Planning Scheme Amendment for Floodplain Management? 

Flooding and other natural hazards are a part of life in the Central Highlands, with each event affecting our diverse, and unique communities within in many, varied ways.

Managing our floodplains and reducing risk to people and property is a key focus for council. One way to manage our potential risk is to look at how we manage new development, where this can occur and how. To support this council is undertaking an amendment to the existing Planning Scheme. The intent of the amendment is to ensure that where possible we avoid land uses that increase the exposure of people and property to unacceptable flood risk. The amendment uses recent flood studies to update flood risk maps and also review development controls (such as minimum floor heights) for new development.

A Summary Document has been prepared which outlines the amendment in detail, what information has been used to inform the amendment and how you can have your say. You can access the summary document here.

Can I have a say on the amendment? 

Yes. Every member of the community from residents to business owners and those who do business in our region are invited to have their say on these proposed amendments.

In May 2021, as part of the Our Region. Our Resilience program, council engaged in early, immersive, proactive engagement at individualised, community levels across the region of the relevant flood data. This engagement process helped to shape the drafting of the major amendment.

As per the Minister’s Guidelines and Rules the public notification of the amendment is to be minimum of 20 business days and we are consulting from 7 February through to 4 March 2022.

How can I make a submission?

You can have your say by making a submission (a feedback statement) about your views towards the amendment and what is proposed. The proposed amendment is available to view online via our portal where you can see what is proposed to change (like a tracked change version) and you can make a submission directly online. Across in the documents section of this website is also a PDF version of the proposed changes.

Whilst the direct online approach is preferred method for submission, other avenues are also available including emails (planningscheme@chrc.qld.gov.au) or over the counter at a council office. All submissions are required to be reviewed, considered and responded to by council and will help inform any final changes that should be made before it returns to the Minister asking for approval to adopt the amendment.

How else can I get involved?

Council will be running a number of Meet the Planner Sessions across the region. These sessions are an opportunity for the public to ask anything related to planning and development or discuss the draft amendment with a member of council's Planning and Development team. The events will be held in the week commencing 21 February 2022.

Tuesday 22 February 

Springsure,– 9am – 12pm - Springsure Chambers, 29 Eclipse Street.

Rolleston 2:30pm – 6pm - Supper Room, Planet Street (next to the Library)

Wednesday 23 February

Duaringa – 10:30am – 1pm - Duaringa Old Library, 5 William Street

Bluff – 3pm – 5pm - Lions Hall, 12 Church Street

Thursday 24 February 

Capella – 10am – 1pm - Boardroom, CHRC Capella Office, 4 Conran Steet

Emerald – 3:30pm – 7pm - Gallery Meeting Room, CHRC Emerald Office, 65 Egerton Street

Booking are encouraged and can be made by emailing planningscheme@chrc.qld.gov.au. These events will follow a COVID safe plan and staff will all be wearing masks throughout the session. See details on the right (or bottom of the page on a mobile device).

Alternatively if you are interested in an online appointment to discuss the proposed amendment with a member of the Planning and Development team, please email planningscheme@chrc.qld.gov.au to make an appointment.

For enquiries about this consultation, please contact the Planning & Development team at council on 1300 242 686 or email planningscheme@chrc.qld.gov.au. 


Consultation has concluded

If you have any questions about this consultation, please submit below.

A member of council's Planning & Development team will respond to your question on this page. 

  • Share is there any plan to make Willows-Rutland road a all weather access as Willows town is frequently cut off from the highway during and after heavy rain on Facebook Share is there any plan to make Willows-Rutland road a all weather access as Willows town is frequently cut off from the highway during and after heavy rain on Twitter Share is there any plan to make Willows-Rutland road a all weather access as Willows town is frequently cut off from the highway during and after heavy rain on Linkedin Email is there any plan to make Willows-Rutland road a all weather access as Willows town is frequently cut off from the highway during and after heavy rain link

    is there any plan to make Willows-Rutland road a all weather access as Willows town is frequently cut off from the highway during and after heavy rain

    Rick Underhill asked about 3 years ago

    Thanks for your question Rick. No substantial upgrades are planned on the Willows Rutland Road at this stage. The immunity of the crossings in question will be reviewed when they are replaced at end of life. 

  • Share Not a question... I would like to comment that this amendment is really great to see. The maps showing the new modelling compared to the old is really effective and clear to see and then how it relates back to planning and development and possible implications for future planning is really comprehensive. Well done to the planning team for putting this together. Job well done! on Facebook Share Not a question... I would like to comment that this amendment is really great to see. The maps showing the new modelling compared to the old is really effective and clear to see and then how it relates back to planning and development and possible implications for future planning is really comprehensive. Well done to the planning team for putting this together. Job well done! on Twitter Share Not a question... I would like to comment that this amendment is really great to see. The maps showing the new modelling compared to the old is really effective and clear to see and then how it relates back to planning and development and possible implications for future planning is really comprehensive. Well done to the planning team for putting this together. Job well done! on Linkedin Email Not a question... I would like to comment that this amendment is really great to see. The maps showing the new modelling compared to the old is really effective and clear to see and then how it relates back to planning and development and possible implications for future planning is really comprehensive. Well done to the planning team for putting this together. Job well done! link

    Not a question... I would like to comment that this amendment is really great to see. The maps showing the new modelling compared to the old is really effective and clear to see and then how it relates back to planning and development and possible implications for future planning is really comprehensive. Well done to the planning team for putting this together. Job well done!

    about 3 years ago

    Thank you for the feedback. Planning can often be quite complex and technical so we really glad that the summary document is providing a clearer understanding of the purpose and function of the amendment. Council will continue to update the flood models as required and also update our planning scheme. 

    Thanks again for your positive response – much appreciated.