Resource Recovery (Waste Management) Strategy 2022-2032
The Consultation for this project has closed.
The Resource Recovery Waste Management Strategy 2022-2032 has been replaced with the new Waste Reduction & Recycling Plan 2023-2030.
The new strategy articulates a wholistic approach to the council’s commitment to waste reduction and recycling and importantly responds to the community feedback received.
This Strategy was endorsed by council in June 2023. A copy of the new strategy is available in the Key Documents.
Thank you to everyone who got involved, we appreciate your input.

The DRAFT Resource Recovery Waste Management Strategy 2022-2032 aims to guide the way waste is managed and help council provide a cost-effective, fit-for-purpose waste management system, within a rapidly changing waste management industry. The fundamental goal of the strategy is to improve the efficiency of council's resource recovery (waste management) operation while minimising waste disposal to landfill and maintaining or improving the current level of service.
Some key points of the strategy are:
- the investigation of future expansion of council’s kerbside collection service.
- a review of our existing resource recovery centres (inc landfills and bulk bin stations) to determine whether they are fit for purpose.
- the establishment of a new regional resource recovery centre in Emerald.
How to have your say on the draft strategy:
1. View the draft strategy here
2. Take the survey below to share your feedback, or attend one of the drop-in sessions listed on the side of the page to have your say in person
For enquiries about this consultation, please contact the Environment and Waste team at council by calling 1300 242 686 or email