Why is council doing these projects?

    For some time now council has been asked to consider the future of the median strips in Blackwater.  They are very difficult to maintain as they require road closures and their original construction makes them prone to weed infestation making maintenance more difficult.  We know that some of the medians present well and create great pride in town, others are not and can be eyesores. We want to explore opportunities to improve the appearance but also be realistic and low maintenance.  All Abilities and Dempsey Park equally have challenges and therefore instead of dealing with each project in isolation we are bringing them together to discuss openly and frankly with community.  This is about having a quality conversation with community on the challenges with these spaces and ideas and insights for improvement. 

    Why is council consulting on all three projects at once?

    All three projects whilst having some unique aspects are quite similar in the challenges they face. Challenges including maintenance, weed infestation, climatic conditions and access.  All three matters are equally important to community, so whilst the ultimate future for each of the three projects will be different, there are opportunities to enhance all of them through ideas collected as part of a consolidated consultation and engagement program.

    I can't attend any of the sessions. How can I provide my feedback?

    Yes of course!  Council has prepared a survey that will collect similar information to that collected at the pop-up and information sessions.  You can complete the survey at any time via the link on this page. Council will also have a static display set up in Shop 11 (next to Fair Dinkum Meats) in the Blackwater Shopping Centre that you can drop in and gain some more information on the project. Further if you do have any comments you can email the team at parksandgardens@chrc.qld.gov.au

    What does park maintenance actually mean?

    In Blackwater there is a team of 11 who look after all of the parks, reserve and external facility maintenance. This is an extensive area where the median strips allow equate to 255 tennis courts in size. The team does a range of tasks from moving, irrigating through to planting and pruning.  A big part of the teams' job is to ensure that our parks are safe and clean this includes removal of rubbish, playground audits and minor repairs.  Council has 14 playground inspectors who are qualified to inspect and do minor repairs.