What are the project impacts on residents?

    A project of this size and scale will bring with it unavoidable impacts to residents. These include disruptions and detours, as well as restricted access to the estate and properties. 

    The works will mostly be undertaken during day hours, and at times water, electricity and internet supplies may be disrupted. 

    What will the stormwater upgrades achieve?

    A major objective of the rehabilitation project is to extend the stormwater network. This is due to the northern side of Mayfair Estate’s limited stormwater infrastructure.

    Currently, when a wet weather event occurs, rainfall from rooves and roads, flows down two paths one path through the sediment basin at the end of Lauren Drive, and another on the most western side of the estate. The majority of all stormwater in the Mayfair Estate drains into the rifle range reserve (see below image).

    So what will be changing? 
    Stormwater mains will be installed in each street. Namely, Mayfair Dr, Mitchell St, Desgrand St, Glovar St, Roger St and Guy St. This construction will tie into two existing stormwater lines, located in Lauren Drive and Thornton Street (see below image).

    These updates will ensure stormwater can drain more efficiently during wet weather events in the future